Escape what is haunting you and run free.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Things I Like #2

How's it going you beautiful person you! Good? I hope so!

Today, I am going to share with you some lovely things I have been enjoying the past few weeks! Let's dive right into it! Like diving into a nice, cool pool on a hot summer day. #Summer2k14noragrets

Here we have a decent overview of the items.
Mind you this was taken with my amateur to poor photography skills.

I bought this hat on for too much money but I loved it so I guess its not a waste...I'm not one for these kinds of hats but BB is one of the greatest shows there ever was so I didn't want to pass it up. Not to mention it covers my dirty hair when I don't want to wash it :))))

This Not Your Mother's Clean Freak Dry Shampoo has been doing a fine job making my hair look like I wash it more than two times a week (it's a good week if I have washed it three times). This seriously rocks as it's a huge can and adds monstrous volume! 

I'm a big fan of lip colors. But I'm not a fan of crazy vibrant lipsticks for a daily look. That's just me man. So this NYX Chunky Dunk Hydrating Lippie in Orange Splash suits me well. It's very hydrating, like the name suggests, and adds a punch of orange to my lips. I also got it on sale at Ulta for like a dollar so I don't know why I don't get more, but let's be real I don't need or should get any more makeup. It has come to the point that I feel like I'm hoarding cosmetics. 

I guess you could say I'm a relatively new hippy to the Friend Base, but ever since I discovered ModSun's music and messages I have been hooked on his tunes and learning more about him. He exudes positivity out of every pore and every tooth in his cute smile. He makes me want to be a better me and is a breath of fresh air. Not only that, but he has enlightened me and inspired me to continue my path to a greater perspective on life. I love people like that. So naturally, because I love books and I love ModSun, I bought Modsun's book. You can purchase it here if you so desire to and I hope you join ModSun's friend base!!! Maybe you'll never wake up either... :) <3 

I  wish I could provide a link or store as to where I bought these cute shades, but I bought them at a market and have no idea the brand or anything. They're a slight cat eyed pair of olive-green shades. They're pretty neat if I do say so myself. And at a reasonable $10, what a deal my pal!

I really like ZOYA polishes. I have three shades and they are killer quality. They stay on for days without chipping. This color is called PAZ and it's electric neon color is very nice to say the least. I have gotten a lot of compliments on the color, but the quality is what makes this a stand out to me. I bought this on the zoya website-         

RINGS! Rings are great! I love wearing rings! I'm sorry I do not have a link or brand to this rings, but they are fairly simple and can be found at many #trendy #hipster stores. I'm totally kidding but  at the same time I'm not at all. Wow I loving blowing minds. I also really love wearing several rings on my hands everyday. They're just quite pretty to wear if I'm being honest. 

I purposely put all of the items on my yoga mat because it's a cute mat and I have been loving working out! Blogilates has been kicking my booty with her exercise app. I downloaded it awhile ago but now I have taken advantage of the Workout Calendar feature. Cassey puts together a workout, with her videos, for you everyday. You do have to pay $0.99 a month for the calendar part of the app but it is so worth it. To me that's like paying only a buck a month for a personal trainer who kicks your butt everyday of the week! I just have to share this as I have been loving (and hating) her hard workouts. I feel so good inside and out!!! Just give it a try and I promise you will not regret it.

 No words. It was a no brainer. It's beautiful. I'm seeing him in like three months. I'm dead but so alive. He is beyond me. INCREDIBLE. 

A new band to me, but nonetheless they're hot stuff. O.A.R (Of a Revolution) are a different sound that's captivating to me. Their lyrics are stellar too. I have hear Peace on the radio a few times, but other than that there hasn't been much buzz on this band and I don't know why as they're pretty cool. 

Last but not least...*DRUMROLL* *BODYROLL* *ALLTHEROLLS*

THE OFFICE. I know. I'm really late to this party, but better late than never. This has got to be my favorite TV show of all time. And I have watched a lot of fabulous TV shows. So basically check it out if your the 1% of humanity that hasn't. #MichaelScott4Ever #SchruteFarms #Beets

Well I hope you found this entertaining or nice or you just found it. Have a beautiful day!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

MOD SUN, Betty Who, The 1975, and More Music that Tickles my Fancy

I really love to learn and listen to music in my free time. Music is an incredible and powerful tool that I think can be so comforting and inspiring. I put together a list of some of the songs I have been just playing over and over again. This will be sufficiently lame, but I cannot figure out Spotify, but when I do I will add this so you guys can listen to my playlist! I feel as though everything is a work in progress with this blog, but it is what it is! Enjoy pals!
  • Am I Wrong by Nico & Vinz
  • The City by The 1975
  • Free Love by MOD SUN
  • Head Full of Doubt/Road Full of Promise by The Avett Brothers
  • Heartbreak Dream by Betty Who (my newest woman crush might I add)
  • High Society by Betty Who
  • Hug Life by MOD SUN
  • I Want It All by Arctic Monkeys
  • I Will Be Found (Lost at Sea) by John Mayer
  • Keep It Movin' (ft. P.O.S.) by MOD SUN
  • The Path Less Traveled (ft. Pat Brown) by MOD SUN
  • Robbers by The 1975
  • Scare Away the Dark by Passenger
  • Sing by Ed Sheeran (seeing him in September woot woot)
  • Somebody Loves You by Betty Who
  • Stay High (feat. Hippie Sabotage) by Tove Lo
  • The Wrong Direction by Passenger
  • You're in Love by Betty Who
yes MODSUN is the boo 

but so is Betty Who..

Anyways think happy thoughts and have a beautiful day! 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Well This is a Jumbled Mess. Apologies in Advance.

     What I know. I know some things about myself. Not much. Or at least not as much as I would like. I think a lot. I overthink most things. I write love letters to people I haven't talked to or have barely talked to, but never write them to people I actually love. I don't know why. Sharing feelings is the most terrifying thing to me. Next to being sad. Both are absolutely petrifying ideas in my mind. I write what my lips can't speak. I try to be funny. People say I'm funny. That makes me feel good. I believe in traveling, friendship, books, and hugs. I want to learn. But I don't want to go to school. I'm told that I'm not smart. Or rather I'm made to feel as though I am not intelligent. This really hurts. I have a best friend who just gets me. But I can't tell her any of my broken moments.
     I get called weird often and get crazy looks, but I like that because that means I'm different. I know how to make a lot of fun for myself. I also know how to make sadness for myself. That's the worst. I don't like talking about myself, yet look at what I'm doing. This is less abrasive I feel though. There I go making excuses for why I only let strangers read me.
     I'm afraid. I don't want this future I'm "supposed" to follow. I have traveling, love, and writing in my heart. There's a very limited amount of those ingredients in my life at the moment. I want to change my life. I don't know how to. I need to change my life. It's wasting away. But I don't exactly stop it. I feel powerless. Not much money, haven't even graduated high school yet, but I still want to get up and take on the world. What's stopping me? Everything. Me included. I'm crazy probably. Actually I'm really scared people will actually think I'm crazy. I care too much, but not enough at the same time. I feel lost. So lost. I don't know anything anymore. I guess I don't know. I don't know me.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Purple Skin

A fall from a narrow staircase lands your elbow on hard, hard ground
Tomorrow there will be a reminder of your stumble home
Your knee hits smack dab on the corner of the sand-dusted base 
Tomorrow as you rub last night out of your burning eyes 
An unfamiliar tenderness is spread across your thigh 
It almost makes you laugh as your self proclaimed "klutz" status strikes again
But then you grow sad 
Your milk white skin is marked by a flaw, an accident, a misunderstanding 
Time, of course, heals the wound
You don't press it or mess with it 
Because you know pain will be shot 
So when someone pretends to hit it, you wince 
You're scared that someone saw it, saw the purple skin
There's no hiding it now 
Best you just makes up a silly story that you think everyone will believe because hey you always mention you're a klutz 
But you're not 
Your body has been printed with a purple skinned reminder of something you probably want to forget 
But it eventually goes away
Without even thinking about it, in a week or so its no more
If only the bruises on your mind
Were gone 
Like the bruises on your body

Saturday, March 29, 2014

Cheap and Cheerful Thrift Store Finds

   Yesterday, March 28, was the last day of school before spring break. So my friend Katie and I just had to celebrate with ice cream and a little Goodwill hunting. I had to pick up everything for a grand total of a reasonable $15 for 5 quirky, cute items. I present to you my first ever thrift store haul. This is just riveting.

"Captain America is hot
so I must purchase " was the logic behind this

I thoroughly enjoy this wallet, but alas I already own one so I gave it to my brother. It was too sweet to pass up   honestly. I figured he would get more use out of it than me.     

My birthday is in a few days so I thought that the best way to treat myself was with a 50 cent mug! And I couldn't be happier.

This tropical headband is just the right one to add to my collection. Forget diamonds, headbands are a girls best friend.

Now let's get to the sick nasty. This. Bank. Rock. My. Socks. I don't know how else to put it other than I'm in love. Just wait it get's better. 

Yeah it just got better. Another bank. This Pepsi Cola vending machine is a little beat up, but who really cares. 

Now I just have to fill those banks...

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Superficial Insecurities

   It's hard looking like yourself sometimes. It shouldn't be, but it is. Your body plays tricks on your mind, and in return your mind plays tricks on your body. But you try to push past the fact that you have about ten pimples plastered on your face and instead tell yourself all teens get zits. And yet you still feel bad about it.

   The song "Hard Out Here" by Lily Allen comes to mind when I think about how challenging it is to be a woman this day in age. I really admire how outspoken Lily is about many topics including how men objectify women. She also tackles the "Blurred Lines" lyrical issue and Miley Cyrus' racial controversy so this song is just kick ass. 

    If its not your face your feeling bad about it's your body. It's so different from the ones spread on the covers. We are told by society that celebrities and models are the standards for beauty. There can be no in-between beauty. You're skinnier than them then you have an eating disorder. You're thicker than them and you're an overweight beast. Well that's not fair to anyone. Even those models on the magazines know they're bodies are being touched to create an unreal and unachievable human body. Nobody can win.

   This is why beauty seems to be so fake. We are rarely told that's its beautiful if someone helps someone. A woman is only beautiful in the media's eyes if she has impeccable skin, shimmering hair, and some kind of slim yet at the same time curvy body. It is really ridiculous the amount of worth we place on something we have little control of.

Sure this part of Mean Girls is funny at first, but that's because we know this is the truth of the real world. People think someone has more worth and more to offer if they fit society's framing of good looking. 

   The human body is beautiful in many aspects. It's not the number on the scale or the bumps on your face. It's the crinkling around the eyes and the wide open mouth formed from a laugh. It's the smile spread across your face that someone you love brings. It's the emotions our face expresses that is beautiful. It's the differences that are beautiful. All of the moles, freckles, colors, and shapes that are apart of someone can be admired.
   Another issue I have with the society's idea of beauty is the thought that "You don't need makeup to look beautiful". It's in songs, magazines, and leaves people's mouths too often. If a man or woman wants to put makeup on their face for whatever reason, nobody has a right to tell them they shouldn't do that. If a girl feels beautiful without makeup then that's wonderful but if a girl likes to do and wear makeup then so what, it's her face. People put on makeup for different reasons. A lot of the time it's because it makes us feel better about ourselves. If we can feel better with makeup then we should wear it! There's absolutely NOTHING wrong with that.

   It's not only the eyes that see beauty. Beauty surrounds us. The world itself hold so much beauty. The sounds of music, the feeling of a breeze on a warm day, the taste of a home cooked meal are all beautiful. Below is a little something I find so beautiful and I hope it brightens you're day. 

   Now isn't that something. Almost everyone that participated in this video was anxious and perhaps insecure about having to share a kiss with a complete stranger. A kiss is something that can be uniting. A mind and body experience even.
   I feel that this video breaks a barrier. I can't quite put my finger on it, but it's there. It was as if in the kiss, both parties freed themselves and let down fears or walls they show to most. It was like they told each other a story in between the movement of lips. It was truly beautiful. 

Friday, March 21, 2014

A Giggle Inducing Man in a Doo Rag

   It's already too late to go back. Now that you have seen this post you have to continue onward and forever have the images of an amateur rapper in a camouflage doo rag body rolling to the words "Lemme smang it girl".
   It all started with a man called Flynt Flossy.  His desire to create an independent record label, creatively named Turquoise Jeep, lead him to produce the hit (I use that loosely) song "LEMME SMANG IT". The term "smang" is of course imaginary and a little vulgar. The combination of the words bang and smash were the spark that set this lyrical genius on fire. You can imagine where this is going.
   I should just let you watch the video because honestly words cannot express the greatness of the visual effects, beat, and lyrics that is embodied in this one hit "wonder". Gosh I regret calling it even a one hit wonder.
   Without further ado, here is the iconic video and song "LEMME SMANG IT" by Flynt Flossy, Yung Humma, and whatchyamacallit. And no I'm not kidding you because I really can't make this stuff up. Or can I...


Have a nice day

Sunday, March 16, 2014

To a Lot of People in my Life

Hey old friend, old chap, old home. 
I love when you give me a chill
through the gates of warmth on my skin
It feels like we have a secret to share
Like you know me too well
That stranger I once knew too well from one glance 
Could have been you
Except it took more than a glance to convince me,
to persuade me into the belief that you were more special 
than my mind wanted to think. 
It does things like that sometimes. 
We really can't help it now can we. 
You expected something more 
and I expected something less. 
But I guess that's how life goes on its rounds. 
Spinning circles in my head. 
My mind is forever shaking with rustling thoughts of you
It never stops. 
Only may it slow when the wind slowly blows 
through the fresh spring air 
welcoming me into its open arms 
with a smile so large
it could break you're silly little heart 

How to get hair as long as a hippie (aka pretty long)

   So after growing out my hair for a good five to six years, I have come to learn the most effective tips and tricks in the hair growing game.  I have some advice if you say got a "trim" and it was a bit too short for your liking or you just want to get your hair to 70's hippie status. Either way you're going to want to add some inches. So let's *cut* right to it! Oh I love a good pun.

A photo I took last weekend. 
My hair is a bit longer when it's not curled obviously, 
but you get the picture. She strikes again with another great pun!

   So let's start with washing your hair. Rule number one is don't wash it a lot. For about two years I have been cutting down on the shampooing. It can be difficult at first if you have super greasy hair, but that's what dry shampoo is for! I recommend the Got2B Rockin' It Dry Shampoo from the drugstore. It's a big more expensive than say the Suave or Batiste, but it doesn't leave a residue like the other two do. Try to wash once every other day, but if you can do more that's great.
   Using a deep conditioner in the shower can really improve the ends of your hair so you don't have to constantly be getting trims. I really like using Coconut Oil or the Macadamia Deep Repair Mask. I do this probably once or twice a week and my hair has become a lot stronger and softer by doing this consistently.
   Once you get out of the shower, don't head straight to the blow-dryer and curling iron. Instead let it air-dry over night or throughout the day so you're do as little damage as possible. Utilize YouTube or magazines to find different hairstyles to try out if you get bored with the same old look. But you're hair will be praising you when you put down the straightener.
   Keeping the products in your hair to a minimum is ideal as you're not going to be able to wash it out as quickly as you would like. I stick to the It's a 10 spray because it hydrates, detangles, along with eight other claims it makes. I would also suggest picking up a Wet Brush as it really gets out any tangles and doesn't damage your hair so there is very little, if any, breakage.
   Get a trim here and there. Everyone is bound to get split and dead ends after avoiding the scissors for awhile. But just go in and get them snipped off. You really won't notice a difference if the hairdresser takes off the right amount, and you're hair will be a lot healthier.

I hope my compiled notes of how to grow out your hair will get you to Rapunzel status. Have a lovely day!

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Funky Playlist

 Now I love a good beat, but I gravitate towards softer music more often than not. So I have constructed a list of my favorite upbeat songs at the moment. I really like talking about and sharing music, please let me know in the comments if I should make posts with playlists regularly! Here we go with some fun jams!!

1. Bridges by Broods (never heard of this group before but this single is very cool)

2. Any Way You Want It by Journey (it's really impossible to not turn into Beyoncé while listening to this)

3. Are You Satisfied? by Marina and the Diamonds (Marina never ceases to amaze me)

4. Girls by the 1975 (they're never not good)

5. I Wanna Be Your Lover by Prince (it's boogie night with this song)

6. I Want It That Way by The Backstreet Boys (...)

7. A Little Party Never Killed Nobody by Fergie, Q-Tip (?), and GoonRock (Great Gatsby playlist knows what's up)

8. Young Blood by The Naked and Famous (oldie but a goodie like a lot of the songs on this list)

9. Recover by CHVRCHES (just really cool I don't know how else to put it)

10. Runaway Baby by Bruno Mars (I Zumba to this and let's just say it's my favorite to dance to ever)

11. She Look So Perfect by 5SOS (all the heys are too catchy and please check out the music video it's too cute)

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Friday, February 14, 2014

Like-able Objects #1

    Hello and happy Valentines day if you celebrate it! If not then happy Friday! Either way it's a pretty grand day. So due to the success of my last current favorites post I wrote back in July, I would like to start doing them more often. Also I will title them "Like-able Objects" because that's exactly what they are! Onward pals!

1. TV Show: Arrested Development (don't worry it's on Netflix). Netflix subscription courtesy of my parents
So I began this series due to the recommendation from my dear old dad. And let me tell you it's is actually a laugh out loud hilarious show. Some notable cast members include Michael Cera, Will Arnett, and Jason Bateman. The premise of the story is that a dysfunctionally wealthy family loses all their money after the father goes to prison for a couple crimes surrounding the family business. Just watch the pilot people. It's exactly my kind of humor and I LIKE it very much :) 

2. Book: The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold $2 
Around three weeks ago I ventured into the always awesome book store. I walked out with 10 books/magazines and among them was this book. I knew that there was a movie based off of the book and I had seen the trailer before. It seemed to be a chillingly strange tale of the murder of a young teen named Susie Salmon. It is a bit creepy at times, but it honestly holds an interesting message about death and the living vs. the dead. It's a great read and I enjoyed Sebold's writing style.


3. Lips: Chapstick Green Apple flavor/scent? ~$2
So here's a story for ya, I went to Walgreens for a planner and I bought a planner. But along the way to the crazy supplies aisle of my friendly neighborhood Walgreens, I spotted lip balm. And not just any lip balm, flavored lip balm. Now you may be thinking, oh so how many boys have you picked
up with your luscious green apple flavored lips. And the answer is...

That's stands for zero. Not like infinite amount or something crazy. Well at least I appreciate the green goodness! You boys are missing out! 


4. Hair: The Wet Brush (scored a travel size for $4 at TJ Maxx) 
I didn't want to believe the hype. But I bought it instead and did the unthinkable. I fell for the wet brush. There's an old wise tale I think Betty White started that states "one cannot brush hair with anything but a wide toothed comb or else..." Now this may be just me but this wet brush makes Betty White, or some other technologically advanced person, look like a fool because the inventors of the wet brush invented a tiny miracle. It runs through hair like butter and my hair is noticeable smoother and easier to work with. So break your wide toothed comb into a million pieces and throw it out into the crowd of prom go-ers (Mean girls duh) and buy yourself a wet brush. That is all. 

I should have used a different background I realize but hey you get the idea. 

5. Perfume: Escada Cherries in the Air $20 for the rollerball (Ulta was my store of choice for it) 
I have finally found my perfect perfume. And of course, ITS LIMITED EDITION YEAH! Just kidding I will move on. After I buy out the entire stock of all United States Ulta stores ;) So a description... Clean... Subtle... Sweet... Delicious beyond compare. Nothing I have smelled is as good as this. NOTHING I TELL YOU! So give it a whiff if you please before the evil beauty people of Escada take my baby away! 

Yeah that's as good as it's going to get. 

6. Makeup: Lorac Pro Palette $42
Yes this is another product that I succumbed to the pressure to and spend a lot of money on, but hey if I use and enjoy it then who cares? The stats include 8 matte shades, 8 shimmer shades, slim packaging, magnetic closure, and easily messy outer packaging. So to sum it up, it's great. The matte shades are creamy beyond belief and the shimmer shades pack a nice punch of color. It includes any neutral shade one would need. There's so many options and I love playing around with it. 

Sorry the lighting is poor the sun is setting and the flash makes it look worse.

And that's is the end of my Like-Able objects for around past month! I really enjoyed putting this together! Enjoy the day pals and gals! 

Love your girl Bri 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Love thoughts.

     After a series of events today, I have simply realized life is too short not to love yourself. Life is too short not to do the things you love and make you happy. From this day forth, I will strongly hold the goal to stop all of the harsh, unnecessary criticisms from myself to myself and just love being me. I can do something about my life right now, I can stop feeling helpless and help the person I know best. I also set five other life goals. They are very broad, but I believe that they will lead to inner happiness and my own value of success.

In no particular order

  • socialize and meet all kinds of people
  • travel and gain cultural knowledge 
  • love with all my heart
  • have my nose in many books
  • write beautifully 

     I know I will probably be going through some changes starting in the next couple of weeks. I hope that these adjustments allow me more time to put in content on this blog. I plan on doing more personal things and advice. I started off believing a beauty blog was what I wanted, but I would not like to limit myself. If anyone is spending the time to read this small baby of mine, thank you! I hope in some way or another I can repay you. Feedback is always great and I am very open to talking and engaging with people through this blog. I appreciate the opportunity to do this as something that's mine, but can be shared. Enjoy your day as you entirely deserve it. :)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

some thoughts by me.

No doubt school and this daily routine of nothingness is the root of my headache.

A book and a laugh are the only medicine and band aid to my daily tragedy.

I feel the need to evaporate from high school, load up on books, move to an unappreciated land and discover. Perhaps backpacking across country after country and staying away from civilization could heal the sadness and helplessness I feel in my situation.

I am thankful I got the chance to be entertained by America's simplistic view on education. So now I know that I am smarter and will be smarter than high school has tried to teach me otherwise. I don't like that this has happened. I wish the place I had to spend five days in for seven hours was benefitting me, but it leaves me empty. Saturday and Sunday are better. At least there is a chance for freedom because school will make you a slave. Trying to brainwash young minds into believing how they score on a test determines their mental capability is where they went wrong you see. They don't aim to make you a better person or find who you are or even build up self-confidence because all of that will be ripped to shreds through the paces up and down the halls. Self expression is doubted and following is encouraged. My lack of motivation to continue this thought up path to success by graduating high school, then attending  and exceeding in college is wary. But my longing to make a life for myself I will enjoy is exploding in me everyday. There are very little things I take pride in nowadays. That's because my time is consumed with school and work, something so distant from my heart it is really quite laughable. There should be hope at the end. There should be a way out. I really need a way out and soon. Otherwise life will be wrong.

Note from me:

I decided to share my very personal thoughts and feelings with a group of strangers because to me that is less scary than sharing it with someone who knows me. I hate to bring negativity, but I really needed to project my feelings somehow. Writing is definitely an outlet for my deepest and darkest times. I know that these entries are a bit upsetting, but to me this is how I feel. I don't ask for understanding of me or what I wrote. Just accept it and maybe respond if you feel it will positively affect you or I. I know I did mention I'm not proud of many things anymore, but I take so much pride in my mind and the thoughts that run through it. I hope you are proud of your mind too because if you don't already know this, it is your greatest and most valuable anything. It is everything in the world.