Escape what is haunting you and run free.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Getting over the hurdle

     Working. Out. Those two words were my favorite just six months ago, but school and overall laziness put those words at the bottom of my to-do list. Sadly that has resulted in my body losing the muscle and endurance I worked hard for over the summer months. And when I have been trying to get back into working out for the past few months, I have grown frustrated that I can't do the same things as I could before. So for awhile I let the embarrassment and the shame keep me from starting fresh. But today marks the day I begin my fitness journey again. I know it will be hard, but it was before and it always will be if I don't stay consistent.
     I'm going to college after this summer and that while that means so many things, it also means a new beginning: fitness wise but more importantly life wise. I stopped placing my health in pounds and rather in how I felt after I grew to love the body I have. And even though I can honestly say I have never loved my body more, I still want to get better and stronger. I believe in the mind and body power of exercise: unhappiness fades away while energy and spirit flows throughout one's body. I also just want to be physically strong and as healthy as I can be so that I can live the life I want. So for those reasons I am getting back at it with fitness.
     Another obstacle I have faced is my vegetarianism. I will most likely do a post about being a vegetarian and my experiences with it, but for now I will just say that it is has been a good decision for me. Even though I am not fully a vegan, I try to eat as many vegan meals as possible. They are baby steps so I can get into the right physical and mental state in order to become a vegan: a huge goal for me. It's not that I think it will be extremely difficult to transition into veganism, but I want to make sure my health is in tip top shape first.
     I will try to document my journey back onto the fitness path as much as possible but for now I'm easing into it and just being optimistic. If you are trying to pick up where you left off, remember that this is a fresh start and what was in the past is in the past so work your little booty off in the present. I don't think any of us will regret it.